Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Salut. 안녕. Hi.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Ashleigh, et j'ai quinze ans. Je suis americain et j'etudie le francais et le coreen. (D'esolee, je n'ai pas les accents en mon ordinateur)

안녕하세요! 저는 Ashleigh예요. 저 미국 사람이에요. 그리고 열 다 섯 살이에요. 프랑스말 한국말를 공부하고 있어요.

Hello everyone! I am Ashleigh; I'm American, and I'm fifteen years old. I'm currently studying two languages: French and Korean. I have more concentration and inspiration to learn Korean, because I'm doing it on my own (self-study). I take French language classes in school, but the school year is over which means my French skills are going to get worse and my Korean gets better!

I don't have many Korean friends to talk with, so my pronunciation skills and my conversational skills may be lacking a little bit. I hope to go to South Korea next school year to study abroad and improve my language skills.

I will be making various different blog posts about my language learning experiences, and the resources I use. Hopefully, they will be of use to a few people.

If you have any questions please send me an e-mail or contact me through YouTube! Thank you <3

- Ashleigh

1 comment:

  1. 안녕하세요 Ashleigh씨~
    제 이름은 알렉스예요! 말레이시아 사람이예요~ 만나서 반가워요!

    I just got to know your site via TTMIK facebook. You really made quite an effort for your videos! Love the way you study! I am studying Korean by translating and writing down lyrics besides listening to TTMIK's podcasts. Hope we can exchange knowledge from time to time about Korean.

    Have a nice day!

